Jun 21, 2020

Skate for Solidarity

On Juneteenth, Toronto skaters gathered for a peaceful protest in support of our Black brothers and sisters. Organized by @torontoskatestop and @oldowanblackboard, the event was a skate through downtown, and a fundraising effort to support local Black organizations.

Before heading out, Jaicyea gave an impassioned talk on the history of Juneteenth, the reality of Canada’s atrocities against our Indigenous communities, and the work that remains in our skate community when it comes to gender and race discrimination. “Silence is complicity”, she said. Hopefully that was a wake-up call to many of us who fail to see problems that we may not be personally affected by.

We at Impact are beyond honored that we were asked to be included as collaborators of this amazing initiative, along with @kushdiet.to, @adriftshop, @monstraskate, @tsc416, and @cpskateboardpark. Thank you, all of you who came out and made this such a beautiful event!